Family law lawyer in brazil to Defend Your Family Rights Before Brazilian Justice

Family Law Lawyer in Brazil. We offer years of expertise in defending family rights before Brazilian justice in divorce proceedings between foreigners and Brazilians, as well as the regulation of the rights and duties of foreigners who have children in Brazil.
Divorce in Brazil
Divorce between foreigners and Brazilians may occur before the Brazilian courts. In these case the foreign party must rely on the advice of a specialist lawyer duly qualified in Brazil to defend their rights and interests.
Defense of Rights in Relation to Children in Brazil
Brazilian justice is competent to decide the rights and interests relating to children and adolescents residing in Brazil, such as alimony, custody and regulation of contacts between the foreign parent and the minor residing in Brazil.
The Travel Authorisation for Minor Children Leave Brazil
Authorisation for minor children to travel is compulsory for all Brazilian children living in Brazil or abroad, whenever they are travelling abroad unaccompanied, in the company of either parent, or in the company of a third party.
It’s compulsory even if the Brazilian minor child holds another nationality and is travelling under a foreign passport, regardless if this travel document contains a written travel authorisation.
Heritage in Brazil
Every national or foreign person who has the right to receive an inheritance in Brazil must be duly represented to receive it.
Legal Defense of Assets and Rights in Brazil
If you have assets and rights in Brazil that are subject to infringement or legal proceedings, our team of lawyers can help you.
Family Law Lawyer in Brazil Contact
+55 41 988253520

REDERICO DOS SANTOS LOPES in Brazil is a family law lawyer graduated from the Catholic university, PUC Minas, one of the most recognized higher education institutions in Brazil and is specialized in Family Law from the first private university in Brazil, Candido Mendes University based in Rio de Janeiro.